For every moment  


Unfortunately, it is not possible to rent glasses from Global Glass Products. Are you interested in renting glasses instead of buying them? Although we focus exclusively on the sale of plastic glasses, there are several rental companies we can vouch for and with whom we regularly work together. Contact one or more of the rental companies listed below for more information.

Supportmarkt wants to do, can do and does a whole lot…


…for fantastic event makers, to be precise. And also for the visitors of fantastic events. We show them the way with the OlieTonTon (the one and only true successor to the TomTom), we let them create their own ideal seating and give them an anti-litter tool to use.

Pow! All that sounds exciting and mysterious (hopefully), but (perhaps) also a bit confusing, so let's start with what we *cannot* and *will not* do. We're talking about organising events. We would much rather leave that to the event makers. Other than that, though? We are there to facilitate the event makers with our “anything else?” principle


Supportmarkt - Koperslager 4B - 2631 RK Nootdorp -  085-3031317 -  ikwil@supportmarkt.nl

The reliable solution for any occasion!


We have been supplying our rental materials to both private individuals and businesses for almost forty-five years now. Are you organising a party, event or gathering for which you need professional catering supplies? We offer a wide selection of products, ranging from beer taps to coffee cups and from party lighting to podium sections.


Verhuurbedrijf Westerhuis - De stuwdam 2 - 3815 KM Amersfoort - 033-4550928 - -

Rental for events, parties, and all outdoor events

't Hekeltje

Your partner in catering and event rental with almost 100 years of experience. Creativity and flexibility are just a few words that describe our business operations. So is quality, quantity and an extensive range that is suitable for every moment!

An all-round rental company in the field of tents, catering, and event support. We can supply the right quantities of reusable plastic glassware for event organizers. Most glasses are packed in dishwashing crates. This ensures that everything can be processed through the dishwasher at the same time, which can be an efficient working method for handling this glassware.


’t Hekeltje rental bvRobbenkoog 29 - 1822 BA, Alkmaar - 072-5112704 -

Open Monday to Saturday


Verhuur van de beste kwaliteit, kunststof bierpullen en drinkglazen verhuurt bierpullen en andere glazen voor feesten en evenementen. Met deze bierpullen, fluitjes, fris- en wijnglazen kunt u op een voordelige manier en zonder probleem elk binnen en buiten feest, festival of evenement organiseren. Met deze onbreekbare glazen heeft u nooit meer last van glasscherven op de vloer. 

Alle voordelen op een rij:

  • Milieu bewust, geen afval door hergebruik.
  • Onbreekbaar, dus geen glasscherven gevaar.
  • Goede bierkraag en lekker op temperatuur.
  • Alle glazen op tijd en schoon aangeleverd op het evenement.

Intro verhuur. - Beijlkensweg 26 - 6438 KA, Oirsbeek - - 06-20597547


Everything you need for a successful event


David van Schie party rental specialises in renting supplies to the event sector. We provide catering companies, event agencies and other rental companies with a wide range of materials, advice and assistance with the organisation of their events.


David van Schie Party Rental - Galgeweg 46A - 2691 MG 's-Gravenzande - 0174-622192 - -

For the important moments in life


Organising an event or festivity can be an overwhelming task and there is always more to it than you might think. We are happy to be the key to your success! Whether you are organising an outdoor event, company party, conference or an intimate party in your own home; we have everything you need.


B&J Verhuur - Blokmakerstraat 9 - 2222 AD Katwijk - 071-4019924 - 071-4019978 - info@bjverhuur.nl